From 1 April 2023, the rate of Corporation tax has gone up. This won’t hit all companies but will have an impact on many businesses so now is a great time to think about some tax planning.
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From 1 April 2023, the rate of Corporation tax has gone up. This won’t hit all companies but will have an impact on many businesses so now is a great time to think about some tax planning.
Continue ReadingThere have been some significant changes around the administrative side of research and Development (R&D) for companies.
One change is that from 8 August 2023, it is necessary to complete and submit an additional information form (AIF) in advance of submitting the actual claim and corresponding corporation tax return. If this is not done, the claim will get rejected.
Continue ReadingWith taxes on the rise, now is a really good time to be thinking about where savings can be made. An employer supplying an electric car (which can be through a salary sacrifice) can be really tax efficient, particularly for an owner managed business.
Continue ReadingThe tree is up, the jumpers are festive, and we are starting to turn our thoughts to Christmas once again!
There are many ways to reward employees in a tax efficient way, and even though some of these can be complex, there are other ways of providing tax efficient or tax-free benefits which are very simple.
Continue ReadingThe deadline for filing your 2021.22 tax return is fast approaching. If you haven’t gotten round to completing it yet, we might be able to help!
Continue ReadingAfter a dizzying few weeks in British politics, which have seen an almost complete reversal of the measures announced in the September mini budget, as summarised in our previous article, we thought it might be helpful to set out what remains of the economic measures announced in September, and how they might affect you.
Continue ReadingOn Friday, the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered the government’s so-called ‘Mini Budget’, outlining cuts to income tax, reversal of the NIC increases, and scrapping of the planned increase in corporation tax, to name a few. Those which may be of particular interest to many are as follows:
Continue ReadingAs we approach the end of January, the personal tax return self-assessment deadline is looming. However, for the 2020/21 return due on 31 January 2022, HMRC is waiving late filing and late payment penalties for one month. This means that penalties will not be triggered unless the return is filed, or payment made after 28 February 2022.
Continue ReadingChristmas is just around the corner. And - just beyond - is the deadline for filing your 2020.21 self-assessment tax return.
It must be with HMRC by 31 January 2022, but if you haven’t got round to completing it yet, or are concerned about a large liability – don’t worry! You are not alone, and we might be able to help. We might even be able to reduce your liability with some tax planning suggestions.
Continue ReadingStarting your own business can be an exciting – but daunting – time. One of the first and most important decisions to make is how you are going to structure your business. The reason this decision is so important is that it has a variety of consequences – not only related to tax, but also from a legal and administrative perspective, and how your business will be perceived.
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